Club News
Congratulations to the incoming officers of WARA!
At the WARA club meeting held November 13, 2024, the following officers were elected:
Dave Thomas, K2LGE
Vice President
John Barrett, KC1ADT
Frank Sawicki, N1AEB
Doug White, KC1PLQ
Public Information Officer (PIO)
Claudia Nielsen, KA1DIZ
WARA Featured In Milford Living Magazine!
In the Spring 2019 edition of Milford Living, WARA was featured for its outstanding outreach and engagement in the Woodmont community through Amateur Radio! Congratulations to all for this exciting coverage.
For the full article, check here.
Climb to the Clouds - Mount Washington, New Hampshire
The Woodmont Amateur Radio Association assisted the New Hampshire Sports Car Club in providing radio communications for the event. Members of the club joined forces with approximately 50 hams to provide radio communications for the 3 day event in August 2021. The event required 2 different nets to be conducted in order to provide both safety and progress of competitors as they raced up the mountain road.
WARA Spearheads Connecticut's Entrance into the New England AREDN Mesh Network
Robert, WA1RJJ, has established the first Connecticut-based ARDEN Mesh node with connectivity to the greater New England Mesh network, administered by Jay, K1EHZ in New Hampshire, and Bill, NG1P in Maine. The AREDN node is in communications room located at the Woodmont EOC in Woodmont, Connecticut.
Utilizing the node naming convention standardized by the pair, Robert has now extended the Mesh connectivity in New England to five states.
Connectivity with ARRL Headquarters, in Newington, Connecticut is also imminent, following "some housecleaning" that needs to be completed on the Newington side. Plans are also underway for RF linking to Bridgeport and Westport. Also being explored are RF links to the VA Hospital in West Haven, with eyes on expanding into New Haven. A cross-sound RF link is also being explored.
Transient AREDN Mesh nodes are also being used in support of events such as the Milford Oysterfest and the New York City Marathon.
You can learn more about AREDN by going to
More information on the status of Mesh Networking in New England is found at:
WARA is going to ARRL Field Day 2023!
WARA is participating in the fun, nationwide communications event that is Field Day 2023 on June 24-25! Field Day is an event where ham (amateur) radio stations all across the US (And, to a lesser extent, the world) practice skills used in emergency communication. On Field Day, hams often set up a portable station instead of using their normal ones at home, and we also use off-the-grid or alternative power sources like generators or solar panels, necessary if there was an emergency that might have taken out the grid.
WARA will be going out with our trailer and antennas to Trubee Doolittle Park to make contacts and do our part in the event. Join us to learn more about ham radio, or just to enjoy yourself.
Woodmont Hams Participate in Winter Exercise.
The Woodmont Amateur Radio Association positioned its Mobile Communications Unit at Fowler Field this past Saturday and Sunday to participate in a 24-hour communications event called Winter Field Day.
Inside the trailer one could have visited a small control room with people talking, or using morse code or computers connected to radios with graphic displays showing all kinds of information. A large screen showing a map of the US and Canada with many sections of the states and provinces marked in different colors or a list of locations and a score board could be found at one end.
One could have overheard this strange conversation. “Whisky One Whiskey Delta Tango calling field day”, “Kilo One Alpha Uniform Sierra please copy my Mike Two Charlie Tango”, “I copy your Hotel 1 Mike Tango, QSL and good luck”. W1WDT, the Woodmont Amateur Radio Association (WARA) in Milford, CT had just contacted K1AUS in Billings, Montana as part of the Winter Field Day exercise and contest. While this may sound like a foreign language, it is the norm in contest contacts.
The purpose of Winter Field Day is to practice setting up a nationwide independent communications network that is completely independent of any infrastructure. If there had been a true disaster this past weekend that knocked down communications and power lines as well as cell towers and other conventional modes of communications, the Amateur Radio Operators, a.k.a HAMS, in that trailer would have been able to make contact with over 171 stations in 37 states and 3 Canadian provinces with welfare messages for families or emergency messages for FEMA, the Red Cross and other governmental and non-governmental agencies.
The contest component is to make the excise fun. Stations receive various points for each contact and extra points for each of the 84 sections in the US and Canada. The Woodmont Team earned 780 points for contacts plus a few hundred points in bonuses.
Article in CT Post about WARA and Ham Radio
There's been an article about WARA in the CT Post! On the 8th, reporters visited us at the Woodmont borough hall, and they wrote up an article about our club and general activities of hams. It talks about topics like how ham radio differs from CB radio, what uses it can have in a public service and emergency aspect, and what you can do with it. Check out the full article here.
WARA High Altitude Balloon Launch Coming!
WARA is currently building and launching a state-of-the-art hot air balloon soon, which will broadcast its location and telemetry (APRS) using home-brewed Arduino kits. Arduino is an affordable and open-source platform for building custom electronics and integrates seamlessly into amateur radio. The balloon will also feature a number of inertial (IMUs) and atmospheric (elevation, speed, pressure, and temperature) sensors, in addition to broadcasting SSTV over the air. Come help us make history with WARA's first-ever balloon launch!
WARA Mug Fundraiser
WARA has a new fundraiser! 12 ounce coffee mugs are for sale in the borough hall to raise money for our activities.
Please help us raise funds for STEAM projects and equipment purchases. By purchasing a mug for $15 or 2 for $25, 100% of the sales goes to help us achieve our goals. If you would like to purchase one please contact us at or simply stop by at our regularly monthly meetings on the second of every month at the Woodmont Borough Hall at 128 Kings Highway, Milford. Thanks for you continued support.
QRPer Article
One of our members, Conrad, N2YCH, is an avid POTA activator. He published a field report for one of his activations in the QRPer. Find the full text here:
Most recently updated May 24, 2023